Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weekend Reprise

After the first week of classes, I am exhausted but excited for more. To balance out the never-ending number of churches, ruins, and interesting spots of the past week, most of us headed out to the beach today. The beach is past Ostia Antica (so about 30-40 minutes on a train), but is definitely worth the commute. Their beaches are filled with volcanic sand that attaches to everything, so black was the colour of the day for me. Black feet, black towel, black sand. One thing: you're not allowed to lay directly on the sand, so you have to rent a chair. Which turned out to be better than laying on the sand because of the whole turned skin black thing! The water was pretty cold for a few minutes, but felt really nice after that. And there were enough clouds that no one burned...a nice change from the norm.

Tomorrow looks like it's a flea market in the morning and then a free day at the Vatican Museums. It'll be mobbed, but it's something like 30 euro for a ticket on most days, so I'll take crowds over that any day. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Black beaches, flea markets, Vatican Museums.......Are you sure you're taking classes?

    Sounds like a beautiful "reprise"!
